Established in late 2007, China Music Publishing Inc is co-owned by China Media Ventures Inc. and the Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC). MCSC is the performance rights organization (PRO) for China and represents almost all Chinese composers. China Music Publishing is collecting all performance royalties on behalf of MCSC throughout North and South America, and is currently functioning as a default PRO for Chinese music being performed in the US and Canada.
Download article published July 31, 2012: Chinese-American Businesses Need to Pay Royalties for Their Use of Chinese Music – by Mr Qiu Chen of The China Press.
Working with MCSC and the Ministry of Culture, China Music Publishing also soon hopes to be collecting publishing royalties on Western compositions in China. Music publishing is still in its infancy in China and remains without the mechanisms for broadcaster fees and royalty collections, in particular from China Central Television, but is mandated to implement royalties by the World Trade Organization (WTO) to which it belongs. With its vast network of connections in the Chinese government and within the broadcast industry as well as its ties to the music business in the West, China Music Publishing will be playing a lead role in this process.